Congratulations Natalie Donnan: 2016 Ron Shorter Award Winner for NSW

AILA is proud to announce that Natalie Donnan of McInnes Wilson is our NSW State winner of the 2016 Ron Shorter Award.
We extend the congratulations to runners up Martin Rowney from HWL Ebsworth and James Smorthwaite from JLT.
All three finalists delivered insightful, interesting and engaging presentations on their selected topcs in front of a full house of attendees:
- Martin Rowney from HWL Ebsworth "Recovery, risk and reinstatement - a perfect storm"
- Natalie Donnan from McInnes Wilson "Unpacking the fairly untested waters of the rise of the drone - and the insurance implications that may flow"
- James Smorthwaite from JLT "Brave New World: Directors' duties and corporate responsibility in the changing world of cyber security"
The juding panel consisting of The Honourable Justice Cliff Hoeben (NSW Supreme Court and Court of Appeal), Robert Kelly (Managing Director and CEO, Steadfast) and Noel Condon (CEO, AIG) were impressed with the topics, content and professionalism of the finalists.
Natalie will now attend the 2016 AILA National Conference in Adelaide to deliver her winning presentation alongside the State winners for NSW and QLD.
You can view photos from the finals by CLICKING HERE
We would also like to acknowledge the support of our sponsors without whom this would not be possible