Melusha Robson: 2017 WA Ron Shorter Award Winner!

AILA is pleased to announce Melusha Robson of LGIS as the 2017 Ron Shorter Award Winner for WA on 24 August.
The finals were held at the office of Jackson McDonald supported by Colin Biggers Paisley and Unisearch who are the award co-sponsors.
Melusha's winning presentation"Disruptive technologies and their impact on the insurance industry" was decided by the judging panel consisting District Court Judge McCann, Greg Pynt (Barrister) and Craig Stewart (CGU).
Melusha was presented with the crystal Ron SHorter award and will be attending the APIC17 regional conference in Singapore as part of her prize to meet insurance and insurance law representatives from around the world.
We extend our congratulations to runners up Gavin Doherty (Marsh) and Tim Sullivan (QBE) for their excellent and professional presentations.