June 2016


News from AIDA

by Chris Rodd - Australian AIDA Presidential Council Member

In my last article in the March issue of Resolve, I mentioned the forthcoming event in Singapore on 26-29 September 2017.

This is a collaborative event involving the combined energies of AILA, the Singapore AIDA regional chapter, ILAS, and the US-based Federation of Defence and Corporate Council. Much work has been done to ensure the success of the first Asian international conference to involve an AIDA regional chapter.

The professional program is taking shape and a lot of work has expended in putting together an event that should attract a great deal of interest from Asia, Australia and New Zealand and also the USA and Europe.

The added attraction is it will coincide with an AIDA Presidential Council meeting and meetings of the AIDA working parties. The conference will likely give substantial impetus to the expansion of other AIDA chapters in the region by focusing on regional insurance-related issues.

It is a conference not to be missed and I encourage you to put the dates in your diary now.

The AIDA Presidential Council’s first 2016 meeting is in Helsinki, Finland, on 15-16 June. Apart from the formal presidential council meeting the AIDA working parties will meet. It is encouraging to see the working parties developing and evolving in a way that is directly relevant to the industries we support.

This is testament to the enthusiasm and dedication of the working party chairs and their ability to attract new participants, new speakers and growing memberships. I encourage Australian and New Zealand colleagues to become active participants.

It doesn’t require you to fly around the world to become involved. Look at the AIDA website. Look at the activities that interest you, sign up and make a submission or write an article in your own right or on behalf of your chapter.

We are constantly seeking submissions from chapters and, given Australia is the largest and one of AIDA’s most active chapters in the world, we are expected to be involved and leading the charge.

It may seem a long way away, but AILA will host the 2022 AIDA World Congress in Melbourne (after Rio in 2018). It is highly unlikely your current AIDA representative will still be carrying the torch in 2022.

 However, I encourage AILA members, particularly some younger ones, to step up to the plate and become more actively involved not only in AILA but AIDA as well. Like so many insurance-related organizations, we are confronted by the realities of an aging membership.

It is a challenge for AILA and the AIDA Presidential Council, so the activity and profile of younger members is important in ensuring the future success of AIDA and AILA. My best advice is get involved.

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Resolve is the official publication of the Australian Insurance Law Association and
the New Zealand Insurance Law Association.