2015 Life Member
The 2015 Life Membership has been awarded to David McKenna

David McKenna with AILA National President Sue Vidler
David was awarded a life membership during the 2015 national conference and we extend our congratulations to him.
The AILA life membership is awarded to “A person who has made a significant contribution to AILA or to the field of insurance law”
David is a founding partner of the firm Jarman McKenna in WA and has been practicing for 35 years in WA, QLD and NT.
David has been a member of AILA for 28 years and has served on the WA Committee, including holding roles as Secretary, Treasurer and President. David joined the National Board in 1995 and provided 19 years of invaluable service until 2014, including the Executive roles of Secretary, Treasurer and National President between 2010 and 2012.