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Professional Indmenity Professional Liability Professional Negligence Professional indemnity Professional liability Professional responsibility Professionals and Directors & Officers Property Property Damage Property Insurance Property damage Property insurance Proporationate Liability Proportional Liability Proportionate Liability Prosecutions Proximate Cause Prudent uninsureds Psychiatric Injuries Psychiatric Injury Psychiatric Treatment Psychological First Aid Psychological Injury Psychological Issues Public Authorities Public Liability Public Liability Claims Public Policy Q&A Qsuper Board v Australian Financial Complains Authority Limited [2020] FCAFC 55 Quantum Quantum of Damages Quarantine Act and Biosecurity Racing Real Property Reasonable Precautions Reasonable foreseeability Recent cases Recommendations Recoveries Recreation Recreational activities Rectification Referrals Reform Refusal to pay Regulation Regulator Regulators Regulatory implications Reinsurance Reinsurance 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Statutory Authorities Statutory compensation Statutory or Contractual waiver Storm Financial Stress Strict Liability Subpoena Subrogation Subrogation rights Superannuation Supply chain Support Surveillance Sydney Olympics TAC TAC Transport Accident Commission TPD TPD Claims TPD claims Tassal Operations Pty Ltd v L. 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DR SIGRID DENEHEY Dr Janusz Bonlowski Dr Michael Evenhaus LUCY TERRACALL Laura Bradley MARK DOEPEL ROB ANDERSON QC (Unattibuted) (Unattributed) AILA AILA National Board AJ Meagher ASSOC. PROFESSOR ARMAN SABET Alan Thorn Alex Bell Alexandra Bartlett Alexina Baldino Alison Clues Allsop (Justice) Allsop, James Amy Dickerson Anastasia Nicholas Anderson, A. J. Andrew Hall Andrew Mahon Andrew Meirs Andrew Sharpe, Jocelyn Furlan, Matthew Harding Andrew Sharpe, Sybilla Waring-Lambert Andrew Weinmann Andy Jamieson Angie Gimisis Angus Kench Annabelle Butler Anne Horvath SC AnneMarie Gambera Anthea Karvounaris Anthony Herron Ashley Harding Ashley, David Ashton, Ron Atkins, Geoff Aurora Voss Axelrod, Peter Backe-Hansen, Peter Bain, Robert Bainca Stringer Ball, Michael Barnes, Meredith Bartlett, Ray Basten, John Bayston, Alister Beaton, Robert Beazley, M. J. Belford, Paul Belinda Henningham Belinda Speirs Belperio, Enzo Ben Hine Benjamin Di Marco Benjamin Ruback Bevan, Lawrence Roy Beverley Newbold Black, Ashley Blair Hall Bluth, Dennis Booth, Dallas Boundy, Christopher Bowen, David Bradford, Keith Brenda McGivern Brennan, Kemsley Bristow, Andrew Brown, Gregory E. Brownie, John Bruce Crosthwaite Bruce, Michael Brunton, Nicholas Brylee Jaghbir Buchanan, Neale Bugra, Aysegul Burke, Bruce Burrows, Malcolm CLAUDINE SALAMEH Cain Jackson Cameron, Robert Campbell, Jane Cane, Peter Caporale, Paul Carolyn Moss Carrie Wright Carrigan, Dean Cashman, Peter Cassidy, Belinda Cavanagh, Richard Chaney, John Charlotte Dignan Chern Tan, Rehana Box Chris Finn Chris Liamos Christie, Ted Christopher Johnstone Christopher Smith Clark, Annette Clarke, M. J. R. Claverhouse Risk & Legal Climate Change Working Party (AIDA) Clyne, David Cochrane, Tom Coddington, Murray Coldbeck, Peter Coleman, Andrew Colin Bellis Concannon, Michael Connell, Brendan Connery, Max Conolly, Alan Cook, Sharon Corboy, Michael Courtice, Lara Craig Claughton Cremer, William J. Crow, Graeme Crowley, Bruce Cuerden, Martin Curll, Matthew DAMIEN VAN BRUNSCHOT DARREN FERRARI Damian Van Brunschot Daniel Briggs Daniel Clair Daniel Coster Daniel Fogarty Dare, Brian Darryn Hockley and David Lloyd Daubney, Martin Davey, James David Arribas David Burton David Dilger David Lloyd SC David Watt Davies, Martin Davies, Stephen Davis, Felicity Dean Stafford Dermot Scott SC Derrington, Desmond Derrington, Sarah Devitt, Sophie Dion Gooderham Dockray, Chris Dodd, Bruce Doepel, Mark Donaldson, Grant Donaldson, Stuart Donna Callaghan Donna Niblock Kiley Hodges Douglas Campbell Douglas, J. S. Douglas, Richard Doyle, John Dr Allan Manning Dr Amer Magrabi Dr Elisabeth Peden Dr Frank Grigg Dr Gemma Edwards Smith Dr Ian Enright Dr John Saul Dr Martin Miller Dr Rhys Bollen Dr Rob Walters Dr Robin Bowley Dr Tony Tarr Drummond, Stanley W. EMMA PELKA-CAVEN Ed Santow Edmond, John Elanor Scarff Elissa Baxter Elizabeth Bainbridge-Brown Elizabeth Esber Emma Curtis Emma Levett Enright, Ian Evatt, Elizabeth Everingham, Matthew Fairlie, David Fidely Guarantee Insurance Fiocco, John Fiona Hanlon Fire and Theft Committee of the CEA Fitzsimmons, Anthony Fitzsimmons, William Flint, David Fontaine, Marcel Fotheringham, Michael Fred Hawke Freeburn, Paul Gallagher Bassett Gareth Horne Garling, Peter Gee, Chris Gee, Christopher Geoff De Mallet Morgan Geoff Diehm Geoff Farnsworth George Karalis Gerard Mullins Gibbons, Kevin Giles, J. Gleeson, Justin Glen Walker Glenn Crombie Glenn Worth Golack, Joanne Goldberger, Jeff Gordon, John Gottlieb, Michael Gracie, Jim Grant, John Greenwood, Philip Greg Pynt Gregory Sirtes SC Grellman, Richard Griffin, J. A. Grigg, Frank Griscti, Ivan Groom, Jimi Gruber, Don Gunasekera, Asanka Gurses, Ozlem HELEN TAYLOR Hadfield, Scott Haigh, Kathryn Hall, Justine Hall, Peter M. Hammond, Tim Hamwood, Mark Hancy, Geoffrey Handford, Peter Hardham, Peter Hardy, Tim Harley-Bellemore, Heath Harrison, Howard Hasti Kalarostaghi Havenga, Peter Hawke, Fred Hay, Alison Hayden Gregory Hayley Daniel Heath Badger Heath, Brett Henry Holderness Herron, J. J. Higgs, Penelope Hilliard, Brian Hoeben, C. R. R. Hoffman, Frank Holderness, Henry Holmes, Malcolm Holyoak, Kevin Hopkins, Paul Hopkins, Peter Hough, Allen Howard Poignand & Jason Fletcher Howe, Keith Hugo Zicat Hunt, Michael Inverarity, Duncan Ipp, D. A. Ireland, Graham Ivan Griscti JLT Forensic JOHN WALKER JOSEPH HERSHEWE Jack Chen James Bell QC James Ciuffetelli James Pomeroy Jane Fitzgerald Jane Menzies Jane Reid Janine Clarke Janusz, Witold Jarman, Lisa Jason Betts Jason Stevens Jehan Mata Jennie Cox Jennifer Hewson Jensen, Michael Jeremy Barton Jeremy Twigg QC Jessica Baldwin Jessica McClymont Jessica Tat Jocelyn Furlan Johanna Kennerley John Anning John Carroll John Philipsz John Price Johnson, Stephen Johnston, Robert Jonathan Newby Jones, Michael Joseph Box Joseph Nicholls Joshua Clarke Julie Brooke Cowden Julie Morgan Justice Mark Livesy Kaley, Mathew Katelaris, C. H. Kay Lauchland Keith Bethlehem Keith Howe Kellam, Jocelyn Kelly, Victor Ken Horsley Ken Read SC Kench, Angus Kennerly, Johanna Kevin Holyoak Kinchington, B. R. King-Christopher, Jonathon Kitchin, Andrew Klein, Romy Kristi Riedel Kumar, Mohinder L'Estrange, Tim Lachlan Howe Laina Chan Lana Remedi Lane, Peter Lang, Simon Lauchland, Kay Laurent McRae Law In Order Lawrence Leon Lee, David Lees, John Legg, Michael Liana Isaac Limbury, Alan Lind, Craig Ling, Jamie (Ed) Littrell, Charles Livesey, Mark Lloyd, Kristin Lucy Terracall Lucy Terracell Ludlow, Jeremy Luke Taylor Luntz, Harold Lynch, Richard MATT ELLIS Macauley, Cameron Macfarlane, Duncan Mackinnon, Chris Maconachie, John Madafiglio, Pam Maguire, Philip Mahen Manokarathas Maher, Vanessa Mangan, Bettina Mann, Peter Marcus Vella Marjorie Daley Mark Doepel Mark Martin QC Mark Ronan Marke Steele Martin Miller Martin, John Martin, Ken Martin, Ray Martin, Wayne Mary-Anne Hartley Masel, Geoff Mat Wilkins Matt Ellis Matthew Clifford Jones Matthew Harding Matthew Harding and Jason Stevens McCann, Philip McCarthy, Peter McCay, Harry McClymont, Jessica McComiskey, Dermot McCulloch, Mark McDonald, Barbara McDonald, Jackson McDougall, Robert McGill, D. J. McGivern, Brenda McGowan, Peter McKenna, David McKenzie, Claire McLure, C. J. McManamey, Bruce Meadows, Ross Medaglia, Elizabeth Mehigan, Terry Melanie Quixley Mendelowitz, Michael S. Mengler, John Merkin, Robert Merridee Ware Michael Bromley Michael Drummond Michael Giansiracusa Michael Grant-Taylor Michael K Clarke Michael Lee Michael Rowe Michael babington Midgley, Richard Miers, Andrew Mike Sander Miller, Shelley Mills, Michael Milne, Nancy Monique Moloney Morgan, John Morgan, Tony Morris, Deborah Morris, John R. Moyes, Mark Mullany, Nicholas Mullins, Sean Murphy, Michael Murphy, Nick Musikanth, Alain NSW EPA Nash, Peter Natasha Stojanovich Newbrun, Ann Newton, Mark Nicholas Blackmore Nicholson, Kevin Nicola Gardner Nola Pearce North, David O'Brien, Justin O'Brien, Paul O'Connor, Sean Oxley, Cameron Pail Muir Pamela McAlister Pape, Bryan Paul Birkett Paul Holmes Paul Mendelow Paul Spezza Paul Watson Pearce, James Pearlman, Mahla Pembroke, Michael Pengilley, Warren Penklis, Alex Pennell, Mike Peter Craney Peter Mann Peter Plustwik, Colin Pausey, Hans Weemaes, Dr Martin Wood, Dr Lucas Murphy, Kate Johnstone, Samantha Traves, Rod Trevor, Jock Cifuentes, Jacinta Long, Yolanda Suarez, Monique Maloney, Robin Cooper-Driver, Alison Haly Peter Roney QC Peter Sharman Philip Jackson SC Philips, Simon Phillips, Simon Pickering, Michael Pollution and Insurance Working Party (AIDA) Popperwell, Sean Priest, Carole-Anne Priya Wakhlu Professor Julie-Anne Tarr Professor Leigh Atkinson AO Proud, Ross Prue Monument Pyne, Tony Pynt, Greg R J Douglas QC REBECCA NICHOLS ROGER SINGH Radford, David Radford, Mark Raisa Conchin Randell, Belinda Rashleigh, Peter Ray Giblett Rayment, Brian W. Read, Ken Rebecca Gilsenan Rebekah Bassano Reed, Phil Rees, Roger Rehana Box Rehanna Box Rein, Nigel Reinhardt, Greg Rene van de Rijdt Richard David Richard Douglas Richard Douglas QC Richard Garside Richard Morton Richardson, Barry Rimmer, Chris Rob Anderson QC Rob Whelan Robert Guthrie Robert Luttrell Robert Minc Robinson, Mark Rochow, Neville Rodd, Chris Roger Singh Roslyn Atkinson AO Roslyn Kaye Ruth Slater Ryan Bloomfield STANLEY DRUMMOND Sackar, John Sainsbury, Bruce Sale, Ian Samantha Traves Samuels, Gordon (Hon Justice) Sands, Roger Saraceni, Maria Sarah Tuhtan Schoombee, Anette Scotford, Tony Scott-Mackenzie, Jeremy Sean Cash Sebastian Buscemi Semmler, Peer Sengupta, Peter Senior, Greg Sharpe, Andrew Sheldrick, Joel Sheller, C. Shorter, Ron Sikorski, Jerzy Silvester, Henry Simpkins, Jonathan Smith, Noel Smith, Richard Smith, Rod Sokol, Daniel Sorgiovanni, Rebecca Spier, Hank Spina, Francis A. Stacey Williams Stadermann, Frank Stallard, Kelli Stan Drummond Staude, John Stavropoulos, Basil Steele, Mark Stefanie Luhrs Steingold, Malcolm Stephen Elms Stephen Hughes Stevenson, Chris Stroud, Martin Stuart Donaldson SC Stuart Herbert Sugarman, Stephen D. Sullivan, Alan Susie Amos Sutherland, Tony Suthers, John Sutton, Kenneth Suzanne Oliver Sweeney, Nick Sydes, John Sylvia Quang Taglieri, Sandra Tamlyn Mills Tanya Ferguson Tarr, Tony Taske, Danielle Taylor, Andrew Taylor, Peter Templeman, Deborah Terace, Lawrence Terblanche, Andries Terracall, Lucy The Hon CJ Allsop AO The Hon Justice Mark Livesy The Hon Justice S C Derrington The Honorable Justice Cavanagh The Honourable Patrick Keane AC Thorn, Alan Thornton, Jenny Tickle, Warren Tim Ingham & Ray Giblett Todhunter, Colin Tom Brett Traves, Roger Traves, Samantha Travis Schultz Trimblett, Chris Turner, Phil Unattributed Underwood, Peter Vanessa Herrmann Various Vass, Ric Victorian Law Reform Commission Villa, Dominic Wales, Irene Walker, J. S. Walker, James S. Walker, John Waller, Mark Wallis, Daniel Walters, Rob Wansink, John H. Watson, Geoffrey Watson, J. D. G. Weber, Kirsten Webster, Rob Weinberger, David White, Richard Will Clarke Williams, David Williams, Mark Wilson, Margaret Wilson, Nigel Wivell, Claire Woolmer, Mike Wotton, Phillip Norman Yeldham, D. A. Ying, Colin Zadkovich, Luke Zambetti, Nick Zilko, Matthew Zoe Sweeney [Saxton, Pat] n/a
Speaker Papers
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(Nil) 1998 Green Slips Overhaul 3 1999 General Insurance Law Annual Review 1999 Life Insurance Law Annual Review 2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass 2018 State Intensive 2018 Twilight seminar 2018 Twilight seminars 2019 AILA NSW Annual General Insurance Review CASE NOTES 2019 Annual General Insurance Law Review AIDA World Congress AILA AGM AILSA Seminar Annual General Insurance Review Annual Report Environmental Liability and Insurance General Insurance Law Annual Review Geoff Masel Lecture Insurance Law Masterclass - Insurance Gangnam Style Insurance law Intensive Law for Insurers Life Insurance Life Insurance Law Annual Review QLD State Intensive QLD seminars Recent Developments in Insurance Law Royal Commission Spotlight on Insurance Issues TecHub Twilight Twilight Series Twilight seminar Twilight seminar series Under the Magnifying Glass: 2019 QLD Intensive WA seminars Workers Compensation Masterclass Worklight on Workers Compensation Insurance Issues
Speaker Papers
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2024 Australian Insurance Law Association Annual Report SUBJECTS COVERED : Annual Report :: 2024 1.15M AUTHOR : AILA 2024 Year in Review & AILA SA AGM SUBJECTS COVERED : Delor Vue :: Waiver :: Return to Work Corporation (SA) :: Evidence :: Vicarious Liability 542.77K AUTHOR : The Hon Justice Mark Livesy 7 December 2023 Reinsurance Essential and Market Overview SUBJECTS COVERED : Reinsurance :: Renewals :: Catastrophic Losses 2.82M AUTHORS : John Carroll & Cain Jackson & Dion Gooderham 7 December 2024 Reinsurance Essential and Market Overview SUBJECT COVERED : AUTHOR : John Carroll 7 December 2024 PART ONE - UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS: TAMING THE LION SUBJECTS COVERED : Unfair contract terms :: Contract law :: Unfair contracts :: Consumer Law :: - AUTHORS : Paul Watson & AnneMarie Gambera & Andrew Sharpe, Jocelyn Furlan, Matthew Harding 1 August 2023 PART ONE - UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS: TAMING THE LION SUBJECTS COVERED : Unfair contract terms :: Contract law :: Unfair contracts :: Consumer Law :: - AUTHORS : Paul Watson & AnneMarie Gambera & Andrew Sharpe, Jocelyn Furlan, Matthew Harding 1 August 2023 PART ONE - UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS: TAMING THE LION SUBJECTS COVERED : Unfair contract terms :: Contract law :: Unfair contracts :: Consumer Law AUTHORS : Paul Watson & AnneMarie Gambera & Andrew Sharpe, Jocelyn Furlan, Matthew Harding 1 August 2023 PART ONE - UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS: TAMING THE LION SUBJECTS COVERED : Unfair contract terms :: Contract law :: Unfair contracts :: Consumer Law :: - AUTHORS : Paul Watson & AnneMarie Gambera & Andrew Sharpe, Jocelyn Furlan, Matthew Harding 1 August 2023 PART ONE - UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS: TAMING THE LION SUBJECTS COVERED : Unfair contract terms :: Contract law :: Unfair contracts :: Consumer Law AUTHORS : Paul Watson & AnneMarie Gambera & Andrew Sharpe, Jocelyn Furlan, Matthew Harding 1 August 2023 PART ONE - UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS: TAMING THE LION SUBJECTS COVERED : Unfair contract terms :: Contract law :: Unfair contracts :: Consumer Law AUTHORS : Paul Watson & AnneMarie Gambera & Andrew Sharpe, Jocelyn Furlan, Matthew Harding 1 August 2023 2023 AILA Annual Report SUBJECTS COVERED : Annual report :: Financial report 1.50M AUTHOR : AILA 2023 Emerging Vicarious Liability Issues: Part 3 - Vicarious Liability for Non-Employees - On the March, But to Where? SUBJECTS COVERED : Vicarious Liability :: Abuse Law :: Volunteer :: Employer and Employee 1.22M AUTHORS : Rebekah Bassano & Kevin Holyoak 29 June 2023 Twilight 2: Cimic v AIG - A Smorgasbord of Insurance Law Issues to Unpack Twilight SUBJECTS COVERED : Non-Disclosure :: Waiver :: Dual Insurance 2.95M AUTHORS : Anne Horvath SC & Hayden Gregory 21 June 2023 Twilight 2: Cimic v AIG - A Smorgasbord of Insurance Law Issues to Unpack Twilight Series SUBJECTS COVERED : Non-Disclosure :: Waiver :: Dual Insurance 13.26M AUTHORS : Anne Horvath SC & Hayden Gregory 21 June 2023 Case Update: Recent Costs Decisions and Their Implications SUBJECTS COVERED : Costs :: Indemnity costs :: Calderbank Offer :: Costs Assessment 738.39K AUTHORS : Daniel Coster & Elanor Scarff 14 June 2023 Emerging Vicarious Liability Issues: Part 2 - Pro Hac Vice "Employment"- Alive and Kicking SUBJECTS COVERED : Vicarious Liability :: Pro Hac Vice :: Employer and Employee :: Labour Hire :: Personal Injury 1.19M AUTHORS : Bainca Stringer & Kevin Holyoak 1 June 2023 Lock it In Cybersecurity Legal Obligations SUBJECTS COVERED : Cyber Security :: Privacy Act :: Security of Critical Infrastructure Act :: Notifiable Data Breach :: Disclosure 2.39M AUTHORS : Nicholas Blackmore & Lana Remedi 25 May 2023 SUBJECTS COVERED : Climate :: Fraud :: Section56 insurance contracts act :: Surveillance :: Fiduciary duties 7.34M AUTHORS : Paul Birkett & The Honourable Patrick Keane AC & Peter Plustwik, Colin Pausey, Hans Weemaes, Dr Martin Wood, Dr Lucas Murphy, Kate Johnstone, Samantha Traves, Rod Trevor, Jock Cifuentes, Jacinta Long, Yolanda Suarez, Monique Maloney, Robin Cooper-Driver, Alison Haly 2023 QLD Insurance Intensive: Insurance Awakens SUBJECTS COVERED : Cyber Claim :: Reinsurance :: Data analytics :: Causation :: ESG 736.48K AUTHORS : Paul Birkett & The Honourable Patrick Keane AC & Peter Plustwik, Colin Pausey, Hans Weemaes, Dr Martin Wood, Dr Lucas Murphy, Kate Johnstone, Samantha Traves, Rod Trevor, Jock Cifuentes, Jacinta Long, Yolanda Suarez, Monique Maloney, Robin Cooper-Driver, Alison Haly 4 May 2023 2023 QLD Insurance Intensive: Insurance Awakens SUBJECTS COVERED : Cyber claim :: Reinsurance AUTHORS : Samantha Traves & The Honourable Patrick Keane AC & Peter Plustwik, Colin Pausey, Hans Weemaes, Dr Martin Wood, Dr Lucas Murphy, Kate Johnstone, Samantha Traves, Rod Trevor, Jock Cifuentes, Jacinta Long, Yolanda Suarez, Monique Maloney, Robin Cooper-Driver, Alison Haly 4 May 2023 Implications of the HC decision - Western Power v Herridge Parties & Ors SUBJECTS COVERED : Nuisance :: Apportionment :: Property Damage :: Civil Liability Act 2002 :: Scope of Duty of Care 393.72K AUTHORS : Paul Mendelow & Angie Gimisis 26 April 2023 Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events and the Rise of Environmental Liability SUBJECTS COVERED : Environmental Liability :: Climate Change :: ESG :: Greenwashing :: Climate Change Act 11.25M AUTHORS : Johanna Kennerley & Alan Thorn & Sarah Tuhtan 9 February 2023 Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events and the Rise of Environmental Liability SUBJECTS COVERED : Environmental Liability :: Climate Change :: ESG :: Greenwashing :: Climate Change Act 11.25M AUTHORS : Johanna Kennerley & Alan Thorn & Sarah Tuhtan 9 February 2023 Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events and the Rise of Environmental Liability SUBJECTS COVERED : Environmental Liability :: Climate Change :: ESG :: Greenwashing :: Climate Change Act 11.25M AUTHORS : Johanna Kennerley & Alan Thorn & Sarah Tuhtan 9 February 2023 Claims Handling and Misconduct: The Views of ASIC, AFCA & Code Compliance SUBJECTS COVERED : AFCA :: Claims Handling :: ASIC :: Complaints 523.55K AUTHORS : Chris Liamos & Prue Monument & Dr Rhys Bollen 7 December 2022 What's #Trending? A Look At The Financial Lines Sector SUBJECTS COVERED : Financial Lines :: Directors and Officers 872.57K AUTHORS : Susie Amos & Ben Hine & Howard Poignand & Jason Fletcher 24 November 2022 Ahead of the Game: Tackling Concussion Claims SUBJECTS COVERED : Personal Injury :: Concussion :: Litigation :: Duty of Care :: Contract 2.09M AUTHORS : Janine Clarke & Chris Finn & Bruce Crosthwaite 12 November 2022 Queensland's Preliminary Disclosure Regime: Lessons Learned SUBJECTS COVERED : Preliminary Disclosure :: Disclosure :: Uniform Civil procedure rules 1999 1.41M AUTHORS : Marjorie Daley & Jennifer Hewson & Monique Moloney 10 November 2022 Waivers and the ACL: Are they Worth the Paper They Are Written On? SUBJECTS COVERED : Waiver :: Australian Consumer Law :: Consumer Law :: Dangerous Recreational Activity 1.38M AUTHORS : Nicola Gardner & Elizabeth Bainbridge-Brown 19 October 2022 Emerging Vicarious Liability Issues: Part 1 - The Course of Employment in the Wake of Schokman SUBJECTS COVERED : Vicarious Liability :: Employment :: Personal Injury 767.58K AUTHORS : Jessica McClymont & Kevin Holyoak & Liana Isaac 24 October 2022 Causation in Insurance: The text and the context SUBJECTS COVERED : Causation :: Policy Interpretation :: Proximate Cause :: Concurrent causes :: COVID 3.28M AUTHORS : Darren Ferrari & Jehan Mata 18 October 2022 Recent Developments in Dependency Claims and Assessment of Damages SUBJECTS COVERED : Dependency :: Assessment of Damages 1.66M AUTHORS : Michael Lee & Sarah Tuhtan 13 October 2022 Twilight Seminar Series: T6 | Missing the Bus: Deficient Notification of Potential Policy Claims SUBJECTS COVERED : Claims Management :: Notification :: Insurance Contracts Act :: Policy Interpretation :: Misrepresentation 147.17K AUTHORS : Jonathan Newby & Julie Morgan & Laurent McRae 12 October 2022 ESG and Insurance – Local and global perspectives SUBJECTS COVERED : ESG :: Duty of Care :: Climate 1.53M AUTHORS : Brylee Jaghbir & Tamlyn Mills & Tim Ingham & Ray Giblett 8 September 2022 AFCA Approaches: Sticking One's Neck Out? SUBJECTS COVERED : :: AFCA :: Superannuation :: General Insurance :: Home and Contents insurance 1.15M AUTHORS : Andrew Weinmann & Sylvia Quang & Jason Stevens 7 September 2022 Responding to Investigations: How to Best Assist Health Practitioners SUBJECTS COVERED : AHPRA :: Health Practitioners :: Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Victoria) Act 2003 1.21M AUTHORS : Sean Cash & Hayley Daniel 6 September 2022 Casualty AILA A Forensic Accountant's Approach to Picking Apart Competing Expert Evidence (NAT) SUBJECTS COVERED : Expert Evidence :: Quantum of Damages :: Property Damage :: Personal Injury 1.87M AUTHORS : Alex Bell & Joseph Box & Darryn Hockley and David Lloyd 23 August 2022 Public Authority Defence Prospects Rise Upon The Fall Of The Brisbane Flood Litigation (QLD) SUBJECTS COVERED : Public Authorities :: Civil Liability Act 2003 (QLD) :: Flood Litigation :: Property Damage 1.61M AUTHORS : Richard Douglas QC & Kevin Holyoak 18 August 2022 Statutory Compensation and Common Law Update (VIC) SUBJECTS COVERED : TAC :: Road Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2002 :: Personal Injury :: Employment :: Common Law 1.95M AUTHORS : Merridee Ware & Colin Bellis 16 August 2022 Objection, Your Honour: Optimising (and Neutralising) Expert Evidence for Trial (QLD) SUBJECTS COVERED : Evidence :: Expert Evidence :: Uniform civil procedure rules :: Admissibility :: Hearsay 7.73M AUTHOR : Jane Fitzgerald 27 July 2022 Twilight Seminar Series: T3 | The Civil Liability Act... Has it Served Its Purpose? (NSW) SUBJECTS COVERED : Civil Liability Act :: Personal Injury :: Negligence :: Statutory Authorities :: Obvious Risk 1.07M AUTHOR : The Honorable Justice Cavanagh 20 July 2022 Navigating Queensland's New Preliminary Disclosure Regime - What you Need to Know Now SUBJECTS COVERED : Preliminary disclosure :: Uniform Civil Proceedure Rules 1999 :: Identity disclosure :: Personal injury :: Document disclosure 582.23K AUTHORS : Marjorie Daley & Jennifer Hewson 21 April 2022 Business: Interrupted Covid 19 Business Interruption Claims SUBJECTS COVERED : Business Interruption Claims :: COVID-19 :: Property insurance :: Infections disease :: Mark VI ISR 4.23M AUTHORS : Darren Ferrari & Dr Allan Manning 29 March 2022 Unmasking COVID-19: How Will The Pandemic Affect Workers' Compensation Claims And the Insurance Industry? SUBJECTS COVERED : COVID-19 :: Workers compensation :: Personal injury :: Employment :: Mandatory vaccination 0.99M AUTHOR : Robert Guthrie 2 March 2022 Finlines@AILA: Misleading or Deceptive Conduct Claims: Professionals' Exposure SUBJECTS COVERED : Misleading and deceptive conduct :: Professional liability :: Professional indemnity :: Accessorial liability :: Australian Consumer Law 679.15K AUTHOR : Jeremy Twigg QC 1 March 2022 Safety in Design: The Entire Life Cycle SUBJECTS COVERED : Design :: Occupational Health and Safety :: Construction :: Personal injury :: Construction Injury 5.23M AUTHOR : Mike Sander 25 May 2022 FinLines@AILA Is Social Inflation Changing the Claims Environment? SUBJECTS COVERED : Social inflation :: Claims :: Inflation 614.70K AUTHORS : Tanya Ferguson & Geoff De Mallet Morgan 17 May 2022 FinLines@AILA Is Social Inflation Changing the Claims Environment? SUBJECTS COVERED : Social inflation :: Claims :: Inflation 614.70K AUTHORS : Tanya Ferguson & Geoff De Mallet Morgan 17 May 2022 Part 1: Contractual Indemnities Mind the (uninsured) Gap! SUBJECTS COVERED : Contractual indemnities :: Erect Safe Scaffolding (Australia) Pty Ltd v Sutton (2008) 72 NSWLR 1 :: Contractors insurance :: Contractually assumed liability exclusion :: Negligence 1.12M AUTHORS : Sarah Tuhtan & Kevin Holyoak & Sarah Tuhtan 12 May 2022 Casualty@AILA Beyond Reasonable Care SUBJECTS COVERED : Australian Consumer Law :: Strict Liability :: Intentional Tort :: Occupational Health and Safety :: Underwriting 732.91K AUTHORS : Roslyn Kaye & Ashley Harding 12 May 2022