AIDA Mexico Chapter (AMEDESEF) - International Insurance and Bonding Law Congress: “Get in the Ring”
3, 4, 5 & 6 June 2020, Mexico City, Mexico.
As many of you know AILA is part of the larger body that operates as AIDA World.
Our next AIDA meeting (which is not a World Congress) will be held in Mexico City in early June. Preceding the Congress will be a Presidential Council meeting. Most if not all of the 14 International Working Parties will be meeting and so for those of you who have participated previously at one or more of the working party sessions, this is a great opportunity to participate once again. For the majority of AILA members who haven’t, this is a great opportunity to attend your first AIDA event, particularly if you are visiting Mexico or the USA for work or recreational purposes.
The below flyer provides some brief details. Additional details will be posted on the AIDA website in due course.
I hope to see you there.
Chris Rodd
AIDA Vice President (Asia Pacific), Australian Representative AIDA Presidential Council
Chair, AIDA Dispute Resolution Working Party