Congratulations Tenniele Horton: 2016 Ron Shorter Award Winner for Queensland

AILA is proud to announce that Tenniele Horton of QBE is our QLD State winner of the 2016 Ron Shorter Award.
We extend the congratulations to runners up Christina Neylon from Ausure and Christopher Smith from HWL Ebsworth.
All three finalists delivered professional presentations, unaided by notes, on their selected topcs in front of a full house of attendees:
- Tenniele Horton from QBE: "The blurring lines between the roles of insurers, brokers & other advisers"
- Christina Neylon from Ausure: "Underinsurance and the negative impacts on the insured in the event of a claim"
- Christopher Smith from HWL Ebsworth: "The weird and wacky things people now seek insurance for (did you know you could purchase insurance against alien abductions?)"
The juding panel consisting of The Honourable Justice Anthe Philippides (Queensland Court of Appeal), Tony Shaw (Director Queensland, Marsh & McLennan) and Michael Gear (Senior Claims Specialist, Liberty International Underwriters) were impressed with the all three of the of the finalists presentation content and delivery.
Tenniele will now attend the 2016 AILA National Conference in Adelaide to deliver her winning presentation alongside the State winners for NSW and VIC.
We would also like to acknowledge the support of our sponsors without whom this would not be possible