Mentor Program Launches in VIC
AILA is excited to announce the launch of our first mentor program, which is free of charge for members in Victoria.
We are seeking both mentors and mentees with an aim to provide a fantastic opportunity for senior and junior industry representatives to work together, to share knowledge, expertise and experience through the voluntary program.
Mentors and mentees must be current members of the Association at the time of completing the application form.
AILA will match up mentors and mentees and assist with the initial relationship building process before participants agree to the format of their regular mentoring sessions. We expect the program to have an initial duration of six months.
The program will include a launch party (details TBA) and a prize for the best mentor at the conclusion of the initial program.
To apply as a mentee or mentor in VIC for 2018 CLICK HERE
To view the programs Terms & Conditions CLICK HERE