Naazihah Jamal: 2017 QLD Ron Shorter Award Winner!

Naazihah Jamal is presented with the award by Justice Daubney
AILA is pleased to announce Naazihah Jamal of Gilchrist Connell as the 2017 QLD Ron Shorter Award winner at the finals held in Brisbane on 3 August.
The finals were held at the office of Colin Biggers Paisley who are the award co-sponsors alongside Unisearch.
Naazhah's winning presentation "Pilates, People & Productivity: The Need for Flexibility and Diversity in the Insurance Industry" was decided by the judging panel consisting of The Hon. Justice Martin Daubney (QLD Supreme Court), Brian Burgess (QBE) and Jessica McClymont (Barrister)/
Naazihah has taken away the converted crystal award and a trip to the APIC17 regional conference in Singapore to meet insurance and insurance law representatives from around the world.
We extend our congratulations to runners up Fergus Geary (McInnes Wilson) and William Wilson (Cunningham Lindsay for their engaging and high calibre presentations.

The judges and finalists