1:00pm to 2:00pm – ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS
12:30pm to 1:30pm – SA
12:00pm to 1:00pm - QLD
11:30am to 12:30pm - NT
10:00am to 11:00am - WA
Members $20.00
Non-Members $30.00
Online only.
Login to register.
No login? no problem! Create a 'friend of AILA' login by clicking 'join AILA' below to get started. 'Friend of AILA' access is free of charge.
LPBWA (Legal Practice Board of Western Australia)
For delegates practicing in WA wishing to claim legal CPD points:
1) You must provide your practitioners number in the field provided as part of your AILA event registration. AILA will report your attendance, category of points and number of points to the LPBWA following the event. AILA is unable to report attendance without the practitioners number.
2) You must attend the live event, via your unique login link. You should attend using a laptop (not audio only via telephone) for the link to recognise your attendance. If you opt to attend in post-view, AILA cannot guarantee your attendance for points reporting to the LPBWA.
How to View
AILA uses GoTo for presentations. You can view the webinar online through laptop/PC, tablet or smartphone. You do not need software to view the webinar, just an internet connection through a web browser such as Chrome, Edge or Firefox.
Access & Links
After you have purchased tickets to the event, you will receive up to three emails with the access link (usually 5 days prior, 24 hours prior and 1-hour prior). Links will ONLY be sent to the registered delegates email address. The access link is unique to the address and cannot be shared.
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CONTACT THE AILA OFFICE OFFICE@AILA.COM.AU OR 1300 699 140 IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE LINK AS PER THE ABOVE NOTIFICATION TIMEFRAME. Please ensure that you check your junk mail folder before contacting the office.
Occasionally, link emails can be caught in a company server spam filter. We can assist with providing the link to you via an alternative method if required.
Test Your System/Firewalls
We STRONGLY recommend you use the webinar connection test contained within the link email PRIOR to the live event to avoid participation interruption.
Some firms have firewalls blocking access to GoTo. If you experience this issue, please liaise with your IT department, or seek an alternative internet connection such as your tablet or smartphone.
Post-View Recording Access
We record all our webinars for post-view access (unless otherwsise stated).
Recording links are provided to all registered delegates 24 hours following the live webinar. The links are available for a period of two business days only.
You can cancel your GoTo link at any time using the ‘cancel registration’ button within the link email you will receive. This will unsubscribe you from receiving the seminar access information. To request or obtain a refund, our standard refund policy applies.